Covid Hair!!!

If you’re like me the words “covid,” “quarantine,” “closure,” are all seriously triggering. The last seven months have been more than a whirlwind and my hair, like my clients, got caught up in it like the 90’s blockbuster Twister. Being back to work in the salon has been amazing, but my hair…chiiiile…needs major work. As an experienced stylist, I though the shut-down would provide some much needed thought my hair, skin, and nails would flourish. I imagined long baths, homemade deep conditioners and protective styles. Those day-dreams quickly turned into mid-day “wine with Dewine” and neglect. I did not realize in the moment, but the quarantine set me back and dumped me off into depression land. YES! I was depressed and everything about my appearance screamed that. My whole world was thrown into chaos because my livelihood was connected to my purpose. And it showed! Once I returned back to work, I was amazed to learn that my clients hung in the same balance, and they were looking to me to fix it. The transformations we were able to create were beautiful. Some on the first visit, but most in visits to come. I mention this because even as a professional and with my own hair, me and my clients all had to come to terms with the fact we had to have honest and full conversations about what was going on inside of us so we could address what we saw on the outside. All of this begins with a consultation. A consultation is a one on one opportunity for you and your stylist to speak about your hair goals. During this time, you get to put it all on the table. This is like therapy but for your hair. It is so important to use this time to be honest about your hair journey and ask about solutions. You get to let your stylist into your world and express your wildest Pinterest ambitions, so be honest! Here are some things to think about, ask, and share when you schedule a consultation.
Think/ask/share:What has my hair been through?
What is the history of my hair? (hair color processes, chemical processes, haircuts, personal
routines, etc.)
When was the last time I had a professional service?
What was my last professional experience like?
What do I love about my hair?
How would I describe my hair color and texture?
What do I want my hair to do for me?
What images have I seen of hair that I love?
Do I have and health issues that have affected my hair? (texture, hair loss, hair color)
What are my expectations?
This is a short list of things you should be talking about. Your stylist will help you navigate that conversation. But this should be an exploratory experience. When you walk away from this appointment, you and your stylist should have clear expectations and an action plan for your next booked service. I encourage you to not be bashful or embarrassed about your hair. The salon is a safe space and that point includes how you feel. So, let go, be excited and prepare! Your stylist is just as eager as you and relates more than you know.
Want to learn more about Master Stylist, Carla Marcelle?
Visit her IG Page @byCarlaMarcelle